Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or photo/interview requests.
Pressemeddelelser / press releases:
Pressemeddelelse til kunstmagasiner, juni 2023
Juxtapose Art Fair logos:
Dark blue, wide, PNG
Dark blue, tall, PNG
White, wide, PNG
White, tall, PNG
Green, wide, PNG
Green, tall, PNG
Light blue, wide, PNG
Light blue, tall, PNG
Purple, wide, PNG
Purple, tall, PNG
Downloadable Images
Please remember photo credits when using photos from this selection.
Pictures of Rå Hal, the main exhibition venue at Godsbanen, Aarhus:
Rå Hal tall (Photo: Jacob Juhl)
Rå Hal wide (Photo: Jacob Juhl)
Rå Hal with exhibition modules (Photo: Jacob Juhl)
Pictures of artwork and exhibitors at Juxtapose Art Fair 2021:
Mood photo from Rå Hal, the main exhibition - 2021 (Photo: Mariana Gil)
Mood photo from Rå Hal, the main exhibition - 2021 (Photo: Mariana Gil)
Mood photo from Rå Hal, the main exhibition - 2021 (Photo: Mariana Gil)
Mood photo from Rå Hal, the main exhibition - 2021 (Photo: Mariana Gil)
Mood photo from Rå Hal, the main exhibition - 2021 (Photo: Mariana Gil)
Previous interviews and articles:
Føljeton - Et hul i markedet - August 2020 (in Danish)
Billedkunstneren - June 2021 (in Danish)
SUPERMARKET Art Fair - June 2021 (in English)
Aarhus Stiftstidende - August 4, 2021 (in Danish) - August 5, 2021 (in Danish) - August 5, 2021 (in Danish)
Aarhus Onsdag - August 11, 2021
Fine Spind - August 18, 2021 (in Danish)
Alt for Damerne, kultursektionen, August 19, 2021
Føljeton - Et hul i markedet - August 19, 2021 (in Danish)
Fine Spind - September 1, 2021, photo series (in Danish)